IWILDT AN-2315 x光机器视觉排爆机器人

IWILDT AN-2315 x光机器视觉排爆机器人





  • 武汉艾崴 质量保证
  • 武汉艾崴 全国运输
  • 武汉艾崴 图像清晰


产品简介(Product Information)


used to deal with various sudden explosions and risk-related incidents, which facilitates faster deployment and cxccution of ta3k3 in cmcr gcncic3


Can replacc sccurity pcrgonncl to conduct unintcrrupted eutonomous patrols in kcy monitoring arcas


Composod of a machino vision systom, an x ray soanning systom, a motion control systom, and a cimulatod robotio hand sensing system

规格参数(Technical Specification)

穿透物体(Penetration): 最大30mm厚(upto30mm)

外观尺寸(Dimension): 1600(L)*1000(W)*1600(H)mm

防爆单量(Explosion-proof single quantity): 1.5kg TNT

载重能力(Load capacty): 40Kg


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