IWILDT AN-2200BTHZ 太赫兹人体安检仪

IWILDT AN-2200BTHZ 太赫兹人体安检仪


●实现对人、物站式高效安检, 为公共安全保驾护航




  • 武汉艾崴 质量保证
  • 武汉艾崴 全国运输
  • 武汉艾崴 图像清晰


产品简介(Product Information)

●实现对人、物站式高效安检, 为公共安全保驾护航

Realize one-stop efficient secur ity inspections for people and objects, and escort public safety


touchless, no stop, fast passage


Automatlc and efflclent detection of dangerous and contraband carrled wIth you


Used In rall translt, publlc Inspectlon and justlce, customs border Inspection, prisons, alrports, major events, etc.requirements

规格参数(Technical Specification)

检测方式(Detection methodD :被动式(Passive)

成像速度(Im agingspeed): 16帧/秒(16frames per second

成像精度(Im agingacouraqy): 2 5cm@2 5m


Our understanding of the world begins with the moment we open our eyes

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