IWILDT AN-300300滚筒式集装箱安检机

IWILDT AN-300300滚筒式集装箱安检机





  • 武汉艾崴 质量保证
  • 武汉艾崴 全国运输
  • 武汉艾崴 图像清晰


产品简介(Product Information)


designed for airports, customs stations, ports, logistics and express delivery, border defense forces, factories andontorpricos,oto.


soroon bulky oargo, containors for throats such as oxplosivos, narcotios, woapons of mass dostruction (WMDs)


Moet the requiremente of custome clearance bulk cargo list verification and high level eecurity inepection

规格参数(Technical Specification)

穿透钢板(Steel penetration): 最大100mm厚钢板(up to 100mm);

外观尺寸(Dimension): 30000(L)*10000(W)*31000(H)mm;

通道尺寸(Tunnel size): 3000 (W) * 3000 (H) mm;

滚筒速度(Roller speed): 0.22m's;

滚简最大负荷Maximumroller load: 11000Kg;


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